What is Hemp and What Does It Do?
What is Hemp?
What is hemp, you might be wondering. Well, hemp is a member of the Cannabis Sativa group of plant species. It is or was used mainly for industrial purposes due to it’s rapid growth. Although related to Cannabis Sativa hemp has lower concentrations of THC and higher concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD).
It actually helped found America. Hemp was used to make naval sails, cords, canvas, and even used as paper for the first draft of the US Constitution. When the colonies were first founded it was illegal NOT to grow hemp in some states due to its extreme usefulness to helping the country grow. It was grown all over the United States and had an extremely high demand for its uses. Every war that America was in before WWII it was used to craft durable rot proof material that would last them the entire war.
Hemp was even used on the first cars as fuel and the body where one could take an ax to the car and it would leave unscathed.
The Ancient History of Hemp
Cannabis and hemp plants have at least 10,000 years of history with us humans. Ancient china found it the most useful and were the first ones to start recording what they used it for. First finding hemp oil extremely useful as a source of food because of the large array of amino acids found within it that could help people get through the harsh days of ancient living. Then it was used as clothing and for war purposes. Bow strings were originally made from bamboo fibers, but then the Chinese discovered that hemp was much more durable and could last much longer than any other fiber used.
Then it was not until about 5,000 years ago where hemp was used for medicinal purposes but not what we use it for today. It was used to help those who were wounded and cannabis leaves were placed on their cuts to prevent infection and lead to a faster recovery.
Hemp in the United States
Hemp was not always viewed as this terrible plant sent from the devil himself, it was actually one of the most versatile plants in the country.
Uses Today
So what is hemp used for today and how does it affect us as a people? Well after a long Prohibition of all cannabis plants hemp was recently made legal to grow in the United States after a few lawsuit threats to the DEA. Hemp or industrial hemp has virtually no psychoactive effects like its cousin marijuana. If you even tried smoking hemp you would not get high and probably end up with a migraine.
What Can You Do With Hemp?
Hemp is gaining popularity from what we can now extract from it. Things like hemp and CBD oils. These oils are helping a lot of people out today who need medical assistance from marijuana but cannot receive it due to the state that they live in. CBD can also be extracted from most medical marijuana strains, but the oil extract still could contain THC which is still illegal to ingest in most states.
Since industrial hemp contains mainly CBD and virtually no THC the US government has allowed for extraction of CBD and sale of it all across the country so long as it does not come from any other cannabis plant. This way people still get to enjoy all the benefits of medical marijuana without the high that comes with it.
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