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Cannabinoids May Change Your Mind About Cannabis

Cannabinoids are a natural substance that have attracted a lot of attention recently. Cannabidiol or “CBD” is a naturally occurring botanical concentrate in the oil that’s high in the compound and is one of the 85 cannabinoids identified in the cannabis hemp plant.

Don’t want the “high”? Then you’ll probably like the other side of what cannabis has to offer!

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that may have a variety of applications. And hemp cannabinoids can be found in a range of products – from nutritional supplements to topical applications and even cosmetics.

Non-psychotropic cannabinoids in any form cannot get you “high”, but because of misinformation, many people mistake it for THC, one of the psychotropic cannabinoids, or assume they are the same thing. The most widely publicized cannabinoids, CBD and THC, have a range of applications and are similar at the molecular level. However, their chemical properties vary widely enough to classify THC as a psychotropic substance that is currently controlled and legally regulated.

Closeup of the synapse transmitting signal along neuron network.

It’s All in the Cannabinoid Receptors

Cannabinoid-based products are a great alternative for people who want to avoid the effects of psychotropic products but still want the other benefits. While both hemp and marijuana are both of the cannabis family of plants, they are distinctly different. And the human body assimilates cannabinoids differently.

Non-psychotropic cannabinoids may also offer natural protection against the psychotropic effects of marijuana, reducing the intoxicating effects, like memory impairment and paranoia. They also seem to counteract the sleep-inducing effects.

A Plant Deeply Rooted in History

Pardon the pun, but the cannabis plant does, indeed, have roots with humans that go back tens of thousands of years. Archaeological finds suggest that the hemp plant, also known as Cannabis Sativa, was probably one of the first agricultural crops cultivated by humans. While most people have just started hearing about hemp and cannabinoids, the hemp plant itself can be linked to the birth of agriculture about 10,000 years ago.

Hemp Food and So Much More

Cannabis may be the most versatile crop since the beginning of recorded history. The Chinese have used both the seeds and oil since as early as 6,000 BC. Evidence of textiles made from hemp show up in both China and Turkestan as early as 4000 BC. The influence has global roots. Vikings transported hemp rope and seeds to Iceland in 850. Just 50 years later, in 900, Arabs were making hemp paper. Due to hemp’s incredibly strength, by 1000, Italians were using ropes made of hemp on their sailing ships. And yes, hemp was once the largest agricultural crop here in the U.S., as well. In fact, farmers used to be able to pay their taxes with hemp.
According to the growing sales of cannabinoid products and the wealth of online information, many consumers are seeking knowledge of the healthful properties of cannabinoids. Believe it or not, this interest is not new to humans; it has just been dormant for a long time due to political interests and the laws that brought about the demise of cannabis and the hemp industry in the USA. Greek philosophers, Herodotus, Napoleon, the physician for Nero’s army, and other such legendary leaders and thinkers all espoused the healthy benefits of hemp, cannabinoids, and cannabis, in general.
Research constantly reveals more about the benefits of cannabinoids. But one thing is for certain; we are all born with these receptors for it throughout our bodies and brains. In other words, cannabinoids are not a foreign substance to your body. In fact, it is so integral to wellbeing that human breast milk even contains non-psychotropic cannabinoids.
People everywhere are interested in learning more about how cannabinoids from hemp oil may play into their healthy lifestyles. And with all of the varied delivery systems, there are plenty of delicious and convenient ways for you to decide for yourself.


Any and all statements made in the ISODIOL blog in regard to Cannabinoid products are not expressed as medical claims. Our intention is to educate, not to suggest results nor to encourage action on the part of the reader. ISODIOL is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arise out of use, refrence to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. The information contained within the site is periodically updated, there is no gurantee to the accuracy of the information. Nothing on this site is intended to operate as legal advice, please seek your own legal advice.


The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing new exercises. We recommend you educate yourselves on the scientific / nutritional facts.

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